What are the factors that affect the storage time of self-adhesive labels?Can we still use it when expired?

Date: 2025-02-18 Categories: 新闻中心 Views: 18

A. What factors affect the shelf life of self-adhesive labels?

1) Storage conditions, with 23℃±2℃ temperature, 50% relative humidity, and avoiding exposure to the sun can generally maintain normal use for 1 year.

2) Generally speaking, the viscosity of paper adhesive label material will decrease over time. The impact on film self-adhesive label materials is relatively small and can keep good viscosity.

3) The type of glue will also affect the shelf life. Water-based glue and solvent have relatively stable performance, while hot melt glue will decrease in viscosity over time or oil will exude onto the facesheet.

4) The quality of silicone oil will also affect the peeling force. Some silicone oil performance decreases over time, making it difficult to peel off during die-cutting and labeling.

When choosing suppliers, we recommend to cooperate with big brands or reliable suppliers, as their material quality is better.

B. Can self-adhesive labels that have expired still be used?

Generally speaking, the warranty period for self-adhesive labels is one year. If it exceeds one year, we need to test the initial adhesion and peeling strength, and whether there are any problems with the labeling and printing effects. If there are no problems, it can continue to be used. In general, we purchase first and use first, and try to use it within the warranty period.

We are a professional adhesive label material and hope it can help you.